Global Mall APP make your life convenient Super Easy!
Global Mall APP 樂享生活 有我就GO● 環球Online:線上購物全新改版,豐富商品任您挑選● 行動會員卡:消費回饋 盡享便利● GM pay支付:便捷支付 有我就購● 電子禮劵:消費回饋 即領即用● 停車即時算:試算折抵 省時快速● 響美食:美食餐飲介紹、餐廳訂位、美食外送● DM立即看:活動優惠 時時掌握● 玩活動:活動立即查詢 線上報名● 交通時刻表:台鐵、高鐵、捷運一次查詢Global Mall環球購物中心 官網: Mall APP, enjoy life, go with me● Global Online: A new version of online shopping, with a wealth of products for you to choose from● Mobile membership card: Convenience and rewards for consumption● GM pay payment: convenient payment, buy it if you have me● Electronic gift voucher: consumption feedback is ready to use● Real-time parking calculation: trial calculation discount, saving time and fast● Good food: introduction to food and catering, restaurant reservation, food delivery● DM watch now: Active discounts are always available● Play activities: Query activities immediately Online registration● Traffic timetable: One query for Taiwan Railway, High Speed Rail, and MRTGlobal Mall Global Shopping Center official website:功能新增與優化[新增] 電子禮券轉贈功能[新增] 餐廳候位功能[優化] 訊息匣通知點選後已讀